Building a H-ealth-S-Foundation Model

I currently work at Lawrence & Memorial Hospital in southeastern Connecticut, a 250-bed community hospital, a three decade experiential base for this work in process.

Our Orthopaedic surgical group and hospital serve a number of employers and are on the continuum of care from birth to death, from neonatal intensive care to skilled nursing facilities, and with a robust hospice presence. We care for patients in 10 counties, and our primary service area includes both the destitute and the wealthy. We are regional, and our facility would be a perfect venue for an experimental design incorporating any and all of the above suggestions. Our team more recently joined Backus Hospital and Hartford Healthcare with a leadership that appreciates the value and quality exponentiation inherent in regionalization, systematization, information and resource management, and coordination and integration across the continuum of health and human life.

How would this work? First and foremost, it would be an experiment requiring bright investigators to provide oversight and analysis of data. All elements of health care and wellness should be incorporated. Every member of the community in the 10 primary service areas and regionally and beyond should be enrolled, and a swipe-card passport developed such that, at any point of care, information is standardized and accessible. Any and all good ideas would be welcomed for inclusion in a central repository of ideas and best practices. Through instant messaging, such bright ideas would be disseminated throughout the hecosystem for consideration, and this would assure e-quality.

No person requiring care or requesting information would get anything less than the best available. Funding sources would include venture capitalists, information system vendors, federal government pilot project or American Hospital Association new investigator sources.
Pilot projects shown to work effectively would merge databases and coalesce into a national or even global health-delivery ecosystem, addressing the big five issues of waste and redundancy, expensive access, prevention, chronic disease management, and fruitless ministrations at end-of-life. And beyond...