Hospitals today are human institutions intervening, usually acutely, for emergencies and crises, sickness amelioration, vital sign rebalancing, symptom diagnostics and abatement, and death delay with intensivity and, often, expensive futility. Today, care is usually delivered locally to one patient by one provider at a time - a point of care/caring. Community hospitals provide the vast majority of these contact visits. Patients are generally not fluent in health-related matters, and this lack of understanding can lead to major compliance failures even with best advice and recommendations. Yet caror - caree interrelationships are some of the most intimate, profound, and special human interactions - ever.
Providers are not infallible. Hospital buildings and clinics are inherently dangerous filled with super-germs and contagions. Patient problems are inherently complex, and there are still many unknowns. Medicine / Surgery itself is becoming more complex. Natural healing using biological, biochemical, and immunologic enhancing remedies will function more predictably than artificial implants, prosthetics, xenograft replacements, and the like. AND we are on the verge of advanced treatments with nanotechnology, bioengineering, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, stem cells, and immunomodulation. 3-D and 4-D printing and regenerative medicine with advances in computerization and miniturization hold promise and precision. Such advances bring us closer to cures and disease elimination. We are also seeing discoveries and awakenings as neuroscience and brain mappings proliferate advancing explanations in many domains of dys-eases of all types - social, psychologic, behavioral, and combinatorics.